"Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum"

Why not in Tanzania? Godfrey Kirumira held over fraud

Andrew Bagala
Kampala, Uganda.
City tycoon Godfrey Kirumira has been held by Police this morning over alleged fraud. According to a Police source, Mr Kirumira who runs a chain of businesses in Kampala reportedly facilitated the illegal transfer of Shs 190million in Bank of Baroda onto his account.
The money, according to Police sources had not been utilized by Kiruhura District and was yet to be returned to the treasury.
Mr Kirumira was held at around 8am as he turned up at CID to respond to earlier summons issued by Police following the arrest of one of his employees who runs a petrol station in town.
“When the money reached the bank, it was mysteriously wired to his account. He has been signing several cheques to withdraw the money and the first one had Shs 125million, another Shs 60million and his manager was held while withdrawing the balance of Shs5million,” the source said Wait for details.
Source: Daily Monitor (09/08/2012): http://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/Godfrey+Kirumira+held+over+fraud/-/688334/1474902/-/v13fy5z/-/index.html

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