"Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum"

Dar es Salaam: State lines up 9 witnesses in Lulu manslaughter case

By Nora Damian, The Citizen Correspondent

Dar es Salaam. 

Prosecution in a manslaughter case facing movie actress Elizabeth Michael alias Lulu, who was charged following the death of fellow actor Steven Kanumba, has lined up nine witnesses to support its case.

A statement that Lulu recorded with the police on her arrest was read before Kisutu Resident Magistrate’s Court. In the statement, the accused admits she had a romantic relationship with Kanumba but denies to have caused his death.

Public prosecutor Shadrack Kimaro told resident magistrate Augustina Mmbando that the statement formed part of exhibits that would be tendered in the High Court when the full trial begins.

He said that the two movie stars had known each other for more than ten years but they started an affair in January, despite the fact that they had never lived together (in the same house).

The lawyer alleged that on April 5, this year, the two exchanged phone text messages in which one appeared to lay blame on Lulu for not loving and respecting Kanumba despite the fact he loved her very much.

Shadrack told the court that Lulu responded to Kanumba’s message by sending a text that expressed her deep love for him.

On the fateful day, the prosecutor alleged, Lulu made a phone call to Kanumba and shortly afterwards she had arrived at Kanumba’s house at Sinza Vatican.

In the statement Lulu claimed that she found Kanumba in his room holding a bottle of alcohol which had been mixed with Soda. While she was there her mobile phone suddenly started to ring and as she went out to respond to it Kanumba chased after her.

She had reached the roadside when he caught up with her and slapped her in the face, she says. She adds that he kicked and accused her of looking down on him before he dragged her into his room where he picked up a panga and started attacking her again.

According to the statement, Kanumba threw the Panga and Lulu noticed Kanumba having difficulty in breathing before he hit the wall with his back and fell.

“It’s not me who killed him. I found him drunk and very angry. Between the two of us I could not push him; but he could do so to me,” Lulu claimed in the statement.

Source: The CItizen (22/12/2012): http://www.thecitizen.co.tz/news/51-other-news/27849-state-lines-up-9-witnesses-in-lulu-manslaughter-case

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