Zanzibar: court rejects `Uamsho` claims of basic rights denial
SOURCE: THE GUARDIAN (20/12/2012):
Zanzibar High Court yesterday threw out the case filed by leaders of the Islamic Revival Forum (Uamsho) to protest against the denial of their fundamental human rights such as being served with meals prepared at their homes.
The case number 2 of 2012 was filed by defense Advocate Abdalla Juma Mohamed, on behalf of his eight clients including the leaders of Uamsho against the Zanzibar Director for Public Persecutions Ibrahim Mzee Ibrahim, on November 8 this year.
Reading the ruling yesterday Judge Mkusa Isack Sepetu said the case was filed contrary to Section 4 chapter 28 of the Zanzibar Advocates and Lawyers Act.
Judge Mkusa said the case documents submitted to the court were contrary to the law as they lacked the name of the person who has taken the oath on behalf of the accused.
Jugde Mkusa said because the affidavit was prepared by an experienced advocate on behalf of the accused, he was suppose to be very carefully to ensure his name and date appeared on the affidavit before filing the case.
He directed responsible advocates to be careful when submitting such applications or any other documents to ensure that they meet all legal requirements.
SOURCE: THE GUARDIAN (20/12/2012):
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