"Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum"

FBI nabs Mississippi martial arts instructor in toxic letters probe

The FBI has detained a martial arts instructor in the US state of Mississippi after searching his home in connection with the poisoned letters sent to American officials, including President Barack Obama.

Everett Dutschke, 41, was reportedly arrested on Saturday morning at his home in Tupelo which is the seventh largest city in the state. 

Following the arrest, the city's police chief, Tony Carleton, said the FBI had detained Dutschke without incident. 

Last week, letters allegedly containing ricin were sent to Obama, Republican Senator Roger Wicker of Mississippi, and Mississippi Judge Sadie Holland. 

The FBI arrested another Mississippi man identified as Paul Kevin Curtis, 45, at his home in Corinth last week, and charged him with threatening the life of the president. 

However, Curtis was released on bail on April 22, with his lawyer, Christi McCoy, claiming that the FBI had captured the wrong man. 

"We have maintained from the beginning…that Kevin Curtis is absolutely 100 percent innocent," McCoy stated, adding, "The case has not been dismissed, but obviously we feel better about it than we did this time yesterday." 

According to Curtis, he and Dutschke were acquainted and had discussed possibly publishing a book together. 


Source: Press Tv (27/04/2013): http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/04/27/300575/fbi-nabs-instructor-in-toxic-letters-probe/

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