"Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum"

Three armed robbers sentenced to 30 years in prison

The Kisutu Resident Magistrate’s Court yesterday passed a 30 years sentence to three out of nine suspects after the court found them guilty of armed robbery in mere 3m/- ordeal. 

Passing the judgment Resident Magistrate, Augustina Mmbando, said the prosecution through their nine witnesses and 10 exhibits was able to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the three- Maulid Dotto, Nestory Anthony and Bavon Ernest- committed the offence. 

Mmbando set free the remaining six accused - Hassan Abdallah, Abdalah Said, Mohmaed Ally Frank Dawsan Abdallah Mohamed and Faraji Selemani after the prosecution failed to prove beyond reasonable doubt that they too committed the offence.

Prosecution led by State Attorney Keneth Sekwao requested the court for severe punishment against the guilty so as to deter would be perpetrators.

On their mitigation, the accused Anthony prayed for leniency as did Ernest telling the court that he is a student and has people depending on him. Maulid Dotto refused to defend himself. 

According to the charge sheet, it was alleged that on May 21, 2011 at Mbagala Kingugi in Temeke district the accused stole three mobile phones, one Laptop, one pair of shoes, necklace, earring and other different things worth 3m/- property of Abeid Kassim 
It was further alleged that before stealing, the accused threatened Kassim by blasting locally made explosive in order to obtain the aforesaid stolen property making the crime, armed robbery.


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