"Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum"

South Korea upholds abortion ban

Associated Press, in Seoul

Terminating pregnancies to remain illegal after four judges voted to keep law and four voted to overturn it.
South Korea's constitutional court has upheld a 59-year-old ban on abortions.

The eight-judge panel needed six votes in favour of declaring the law unconstitutional in order to overturn it.

The court said on Thursday that four judges voted to keep the ban and four voted to overturn it, meaning abortion will remain illegal in South Korea.

A court statement said the four judges who voted to overturn the ban supported allowing first trimester abortions.

South Korea banned abortion in 1953 with exceptions for rape, incest or severe genetic disorders.

Activists say authorities turned a blind eye to abortions for decades until cracking down in recent years due to South Korea's low birth-rate.

Source: Guardian.co.uk (Thursday 23 August 2012 10.34 BST):  http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/aug/23/south-korea-abortion-ban-upheld

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