"Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum"

Demand Note (Sample)

(Enter Addresses of both parties involved)
                                                Original by registered post          
                                                Copy by recorded hand delivery
Dear Sir/Madam,

RE:  Debt owing ______________ Enterprises/Company_______________

We act for Mr/Ms/Prof./Dr./Rev.______________________ (hereinafter referred to as “our client”), upon whose instructions we write to you as follows:-
In or about January______, upon your request, our client supplied to you cloth calendars for the year _______ and overcoats valued at Tshs. ______ and Tshs ________, respectively, full particulars are well within your knowledge. As agreed between yourself and our client, payment by yourself for the said calendars and overcoats was to be made upon delivery of the same to your ________ premises. In furtherance of the said agreement, you paid to our client the sum of Tshs _______ and promised to remit the balance thereof in the sum of Tshs ___________ soon thereafter.
Subsequent thereto, you issued two cheques to our client in purported part payment of the outstanding balance herein which cheques were, upon presentation to the Bank, returned dishonoured and unpaid.
Be that as it may, upon several demands both formal and informal from our client, on _______ day of _______ 20____, you committed yourself in writing to pay Tshs. ________ by the end of January ________, and thereafter Tshs. ________ at end of every month until payment in full. Regrettably, at the end of the said January, you decided to send our client a money order of a poultry sum of Tshs. ______ instead of the agreed Tshs. _______ since then, you have refused to honour your obligation as per your said commitment. In view of the foregoing, the balance currently due and owing from yourself to our client is Tshs. ______.

Despite various promises by yourself to our client to make good the said cheques and commitment, you have refused, failed and /or otherwise neglected to honour your said promises. Further, despite several reminders to yourself requiring that you pay the aforesaid outstanding sum, you have persisted in your refusal, failure and /or neglect to pay the said sum of Tshs. ________ or any part thereof.
Accordingly, our instructions are to demand from you, as we hereby do, full and immediate payment of the said outstanding amount of Tshs.______ together with interest thereon from the respective due dates at the commercial rates prevailing from time to time until payment in full.

TAKE NOTICE that unless the aforestated sum of Tshs._______ together with interest thereon is paid in full within _____ DAYS from the date of this letter, our instructions are to take such further steps in this matter as may be necessary, including the institution of legal proceedings against yourself for the recovery of the sum demanded, at all times holding you liable for the costs thereby incurred and other consequences ensuing therefrom.

We trust that this will not be necessary and look forward to hearing from you within the aforementioned time.

Yours faithfully,
_______________ (Title/firm/advocate)

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  1. thank you so much, I have been looking for the format and I got one

  2. Hello. I want to change my first name. My question is, how will the new name be effected in my documents such as school and university certificates, national ID, passport etc? Is it possible to get new documents which bear the new name only?


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